Also this “COVID” year 20x2 won’t be exclusion - #Hacktoberfest has officially started (today) on the October 1st!

Do you want to earn a contribution or do you want to make your first Pull Request?!

Support open-source & start contributing: create quality pull requests and build on your open source knowledge with the Labs64 open-source projects.

Hacktoberfest @ Labs64

UPDATE: Amazing & Thanks to all contributors! In the very first hours of October, we received already some valuable contributions for the Labs64 OpenSource repositories at GitHub as #Hacktoberfest Pull Requests.

More SWAGs ✨

On top of the official SWAGs we will give to all Labs64 & NetLicensing supporters - 1 Year NetLicensing Basic Plan for FREE

How to enter:

  • Contribute to Labs64 open source repositories at GitHub during the Hacktobersfest
  • Create a Pull Request and get it accepted
  • Register (until Nov 1, 2020) for a free NetLicensing vendor account and provide your GitHub handle as “Promo Code”
  • We will verify your pull request (quality, acceptance) and assign a FREE Basic Plan within several days

Labs64 Open Source Repositories

🔸 Labs64/GuideChimp (tech stack: JavaScript) - Create interactive guided product tours in minutes with the most non-technical friendly, lightweight and extendable library.

🔸 Labs64/NetLicensing-Gateway (tech stack: Java, PSP, eCommerce) - Labs64 NetLicensing / eCommerce gateway.

🔸 Labs64/NetLicensingClient-python (tech stack: Python) - Python wrapper for Labs64 NetLicensing RESTful API.

🔸 Labs64/laravel-boilerplate (tech stack: PHP, Laravel) - Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme.

🔸 Labs64/credit-tracker (tech stack: PHP, WordPress) - Credit Tracker WordPress plugin.

🔸 Labs64/PluginPass (tech stack: PHP, WordPress) - PluginPass - WordPress PRO Plugin/Theme Licensing.

🔸 Labs64/DigiPass (tech stack: PHP, WordPress) - DigiPass (Paywall) WordPress plugin.

Thanks to all our Contributors!

Image Credits: Labs64