Bundle Services
Bundles list
Return a list of all configured bundles for the current vendor.
HTTP Method / URL | GET /core/v2/rest/bundle |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | - None - |
HTTP Status Code | 200 - Successful request |
See also JavaDoc: BundleService.list
GET https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle
Accept: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<netlicensing xmlns="http://netlicensing.labs64.com/schema/context">
<items pagenumber="0" itemsnumber="2" totalpages="1" totalitems="2" hasnext="false">
<item type="Bundle">
<property name="number">B001</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">Bundle Numero Uno</property>
<property name="price">0.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="description">Bundle Descripcion Uno</property>
<property name="licenseTemplatesNumbers">LT01,LT02</property>
<property name="CustomProperty">CustomPropertyValue</property>
<item type="Bundle">
<property name="number">B002</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">Bundle Numero Dos</property>
<property name="price">10.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="description">Bundle Descripcion Dos</property>
<property name="CustomProperty">CustomPropertyValue</property>
$ curl --header "Accept: application/xml" --insecure --user demo:demo --request GET https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle
Get bundle
Return a bundle by bundleNumber.
HTTP Method / URL | GET /core/v2/rest/bundle/{bundleNumber} |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | bundleNumber (string) - Bundle number. |
HTTP Status Code | 200 - Successful request |
See also JavaDoc: BundleService.get
GET https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle/B004
Accept: application/xml
<netlicensing xmlns="http://netlicensing.labs64.com/schema/context">
<item type="Bundle">
<property name="number">B004</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">Bundle Numero Cuatro</property>
<property name="price">40.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="description">Bundle Descripcion Cuatro</property>
<property name="CustomProperty">CustomPropertyValue</property>
Create bundle
Creates a new bundle.
HTTP Method / URL | POST /core/v2/rest/bundle |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | number (string) - Unique number that identifies the bundle. Vendor can assign this number when creating a bundle or let NetLicensing generate one. active (boolean) - If set to false, the bundle is disabled. Licensees can not obtain new licenses. name (string) - Bundle name. Identifies the bundle for the end customer. description (string) - Bundle description. Optional. price (double) - Price for the bundle. If >0, it must always be accompanied by the currency specification. Optional. currency (enum) - specifies currency for the bundle price. Check data types to discover which currencies are supported. Optional. - EUR - Euro currency for the bundle price licenseTemplatesNumbers (string) - Comma-separated license templates numbers. |
HTTP Status Code | 200 - Successful request |
POST https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
<netlicensing xmlns="http://netlicensing.labs64.com/schema/context">
<item type="Bundle">
<property name="number">BQVJQ5F7H</property>
<property name="active">false</property>
<property name="name">Bundle 6QP3NKHO</property>
<property name="price">10.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
Update bundle
Sets the provided properties to a bundle. Return an updated bundle.
HTTP Method / URL | POST /core/v2/rest/bundle/{bundleNumber} |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | bundleNumber (string) - Unique number that identifies the bundle. number (string) - New bundle number (update) active (boolean) - If set to false, the bundle is disabled. Licensees can not obtain new licenses. name (string) - Bundle name. Identifies the bundle for the end customer. description (string) - Bundle description. Optional. price (double) - Price for the bundle. If >0, it must always be accompanied by the currency specification. Optional. currency (enum) - specifies currency for the bundle price. Check data types to discover which currencies are supported. Optional. - EUR - Euro currency for the bundle price licenseTemplatesNumbers (string) - Comma-separated license templates numbers. |
HTTP Status Code | 200 - Successful request |
POST https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle/BJIF898SP
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
<netlicensing xmlns="http://netlicensing.labs64.com/schema/context">
<item type="Bundle">
<property name="number">BQVJQ5F7H</property>
<property name="active">false</property>
<property name="name">Bundle 6QP3NKHO</property>
<property name="price">10.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
Delete bundle
Delete a bundle by number.
HTTP Method / URL | DELETE /core/v2/rest/bundle/{bundleNumber} |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | bundleNumber (string) - Bundle number. |
HTTP Status Code | 204 - Successful request |
DELETE https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle/B001
Accept: application/xml
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Obtain bundle
Obtain bundle - create licenses based on license templates.
HTTP Method / URL | POST /core/v2/rest/bundle/{bundleNumber}/obtain |
Security |
Request Header | Accept: application/json | application/xml |
Request Parameters | bundleNumber (string) - Bundle number. licenseeNumber (string) - Licensee number |
HTTP Status Code | 200 - Successful request |
POST https://go.netlicensing.io/core/v2/rest/bundle/BJIF898SP
Accept: application/xml
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
<netlicensing xmlns="http://netlicensing.labs64.com/schema/context">
<item type="License">
<property name="number">L7NWRXKTN</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">Feature 2</property>
<property name="price">20.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="hidden">false</property>
<property name="licenseeNumber">IJ5AFCRHP</property>
<property name="licenseTemplateNumber">EIG97Y953</property>
<property name="productModuleNumber">MYMW47CMQ</property>
<item type="License">
<property name="number">L7KMDCA6G</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">Feature 3</property>
<property name="price">30.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="hidden">false</property>
<property name="licenseeNumber">IJ5AFCRHP</property>
<property name="licenseTemplateNumber">EWT4U3F9V</property>
<property name="productModuleNumber">MYMW47CMQ</property>
<item type="License">
<property name="number">L23YKRDWW</property>
<property name="active">true</property>
<property name="name">1 day</property>
<property name="price">10.00</property>
<property name="currency">EUR</property>
<property name="hidden">false</property>
<property name="licenseeNumber">IJ5AFCRHP</property>
<property name="licenseTemplateNumber">EKR3P2NZU</property>
<property name="productModuleNumber">MKGMPKCN9</property>
<property name="gracePeriod">false</property>
<property name="timeVolumePeriod">DAY</property>
<property name="timeVolume">1</property>
<property name="startDate">2023-05-17T10:13:40.015Z</property>