NetLicensing Gateway
Use any eCommerce platform, such as FastSpring, MyCommerce, PrestaShop, SendOwl, and many others as a license acquisition frontend. After a successful transaction, all needed licensing configuration (Customers, Licenses and all related data) will be made available in the NetLicensing and can be used for later entitlements validation.
License Acquisition Flow
- NetLicensing-Gateway - NetLicensing / eCommerce Gateway
- labs64/netlicensing-gateway - NetLicensing Gateway Docker Image at Docker Hub
- MyCommerce - NetLicensing / MyCommerce integration
- FastSpring (Contextual Commerce) - NetLicensing / FastSpring (Contextual Commerce) integration
- FastSpring (Classic Commerce) (deprecated) - NetLicensing / FastSpring (Classic Commerce) integration
- Recurly - #3
- SendOwl - #5
- 2Checkout - #6
- Zuora - #4
- Shopware
- Chargebee
- billwerk
- Paddle
- Chargify
- Braintree
- Cleverbridge
- jvZoo