** Feature
* [LMB-906] - NetLicensing / Fastspring integration
* [LMB-938] - New Shop Backend
* [LMB-943] - Shop Customization
* [LMB-1070] - Improve sign-up error messages
* [LMB-1111] - Use standard invoice attribution for order confirmation
* [LMB-1145] - Add Stripe payment
** Improvement
* [LMB-979] - Extend linked entities context menu
* [LMB-1157] - Improve service security
* [LMB-1035] - Create "Multi-Feature" LM wiki page
* [LMB-1152] - Autofill email field
** Bug
* [LMB-610] - Password change invalid current password response
* [LMB-903] - Inconsistency in Start Date field validator for Subscription licenses
* [LMB-922] - Payment method list does not list payment methods that were never activated
* [LMB-1105] - Vendor profile can't be saved
* [LMB-1118] - Add validation message for field "Max Session"
* [LMB-1133] - Incorrect display logic of Product description and Licensing Information in the shop
* [LMB-1138] - Shop cannot be opened from popup on licenses list view
* [LMB-1139] - Shop: Product Module is shown on the modules page if there are no licenses available
* [LMB-1147] - Open shop doesn't work from licensees and licenses context menu
* [LMB-1159] - Entities JavaDoc missing
* [LMB-1165] - Order confirmation: empty fields rendering error
* [LMB-1166] - Shop error in case of product tree invalid configuration
* [LMB-1168] - "No shop token provided" handling error - empty page shown