

Multi-Feature licensing model is designed to make the product adjustable to the specific needs of different individual users. Certain aspects of the software may be considered as ‘core’ i.e. they will be needed in order for the software to perform its basic functions and delivery its core purpose, but all of the other features are paid for individually. Using this licensing model it is possible to create an upgrade path from a “lite” version to “standard”, “pro”, “enterprise” etc. NetLicensing Validation shows what features are valid (permitted) for the licensee at the time of validation.

To enable certain product feature, licensee acquires an appropriate license. Accordingly, Multi-Feature licensing model must be configured with one or more license templates of type FEATURE. The entity number of each license template serves also as an identifier of the corresponding feature and is made available for processing in the validation result. License template name field provides a descriptive name of the feature, which is visible to the end user in the NetLicensing shop. Every feature gets its own price. E.g.:

  • License template with number Emf-lite -> “Lite SW version” for 10 EUR
  • License template with number Emf-pro -> “Professional SW version” for 20 EUR

Optionally, some features may be marked “automatic” in their license templates - licenses for these features will be added automatically to every new licensee, regardless of the license price. This may be used for features that can be later disabled at vendor’s decision, by deactivating the corresponding license.

No additional properties required for license templates or licenses in this licensing model.

On validation, this licensing model returns all configured features (according to the license templates), with the following values per feature:

  • String name - attribute of the <list> container representing a feature, to be interpreted as a unique feature id. This is the entity number of the corresponding license template.
  • Boolean valid - true if the feature use is allowed (valid license is available)
  • String featureName - descriptive user-friendly name of the feature. This is the name field of the corresponding license template.

Validation response example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:netlicensing xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" ttl="2020-05-07T21:43:22.638Z">
        <ns2:item type="ProductModuleValidation">
            <ns2:property name="productModuleNumber">Mmf-DEMO</ns2:property>
            <ns2:property name="productModuleName">Multi-Feature licensing model upgrade path demo</ns2:property>
            <ns2:property name="licensingModel">MultiFeature</ns2:property>
            <ns2:list name="Emf-lite">
                <ns2:property name="valid">true</ns2:property>
                <ns2:property name="featureName">Lite SW version</ns2:property>
            <ns2:list name="Emf-pro">
                <ns2:property name="valid">false</ns2:property>
                <ns2:property name="featureName">Professional SW version</ns2:property>

Warning Levels

Below are the default warning levels associated with this licensing model.

always GREEN N/A N/A