
Try & Buy


Try & Buy licensing model reflects a very common scenario when a product is first provided free of charge in demo or evaluation mode for a limited period of time. After evaluation time has expired, the product use in evaluation mode is no more allowed. As soon as product is purchased, it switches to an unlimited full-featured mode.

License templates

Accordingly, this licensing model requires exactly two license templates:

  1. License template of type TIMEVOLUME specifies the evaluation period
  2. License template of type FEATURE specifies the purchase price

TIMEVOLUME license template properties:

  • Integer timeVolume - required custom property, amount of days for the evaluation period.
  • Monetary price / currency - must be set to 0 / EUR, evaluation is free of charge
  • Boolean automatic - must be set to true: evaluation starts automatically after the first use)
  • Boolean hidden - must be set to true: evaluation license is not available for purchase in NetLicensing Shop
  • Boolean hideLicenses - if set to false, evaluation license will be visible in the shopping cart of NetLicensing Shop as already acquired license.

FEATURE license template properties:

  • Monetary price / currency - specify the purchase price for the product here
  • Boolean automatic - must be set to false: license must be explicitly purchased
  • Boolean hidden - must be set to false: the license based on this template should be available for purchase in NetLicensing Shop


Validation parameters:

On validation, this licensing model requires no parameters.

Validation returns values:

  • Boolean valid - true if product use is allowed
  • Boolean evaluation - true if product is not yet purchased, but evaluation period ongoing
  • Timestamp evaluationExpires - in case evaluation=true, provides the time when the evaluation license expires.

Below is more formal description of the Try & Buy licensing model logic:

  • on first validation, TIMEVOLUME license is created out of the license template 1, and the current time is stored with the license, indicating beginning of evaluation period.
  • subsequent validations check if license of type FEATURE exists, if yes - full-featured mode returned
    • valid=true
    • evaluation=false
  • in case no FEATURE license exists (not purchased yet), the time passed since the TIMEVOLUME license was created is compared with the timeVolume property, and if it is less - evaluation mode returned
    • valid=true
    • evaluation=true
    • evaluationExpires=<expiration date>
  • otherwise no valid license state returned
    • valid=false
    • evaluation=true
    • evaluationExpires=<expiration date>

Validation response example:

Accept: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:netlicensing xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" ttl="2020-05-11T08:51:58.233Z">
    <ns2:item type="ProductModuleValidation">
      <ns2:property name="productModuleNumber">M12-DEMO</ns2:property>
      <ns2:property name="evaluation">true</ns2:property>
      <ns2:property name="valid">true</ns2:property>
      <ns2:property name="productModuleName">Module licensed under TryAndBuy licensing model</ns2:property>
      <ns2:property name="evaluationExpires">2020-10-11T07:51:58.233Z</ns2:property>
      <ns2:property name="licensingModel">TryAndBuy</ns2:property>

Warning Levels

Below are the default warning levels associated with this licensing model.

trialPeriodActive = true
featureAquired = true
trialPeriodActive = true trialPeriodActive = false
featureAquired = false